Friday, September 27


Back in June my best friend got married and I had the idea that I wanted to make the wrapping paper for their gift. I have been really into gold glitter recently so I thought I would have some fun with it. I grabbed a roll of brown paper, a bottle of glitter and a tube of glue and went to work.

Brown packing paper
Glue (Elmer's works just fine)

Start by placing dots in rows about an inch to an inch and a half apart doing small sections at a time. 

While working in sections, first cover an area with glue dots then sprinkle glitter over the area. 
Repeat these steps until the paper is completely covered. 

I also gently patted the glue down in some spots to make sure it really stuck. 
Because the dots are dimensional you may have to shift the glitter around on the paper to insure that all the sides are covered as well. 
Once you have made sure that every little bit of glue is covered, shake the remaining glitter off of the paper. 

Looks like it's time to go buy somebody a present! ;]


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